Just received notification of Squidoo paying me for my work. My payment was down a bit from previously, but that is just a reflection of my neglect of my pages on Squidoo. I haven't been updating or creating new content for a couple of months because I've been working on other ventures. But I have kept an eye on how my various pages were doing and had noticed a steep decline in visits - visits actually dropped to a third of what they were back in December. Since the start of the month of June, I've seen a rebound, back up to about 70% of last December's numbers but I know I can do better.
Several lenses that always are in the top tier have had their visits dry up and I've seen a corresponding drop in their ranking. So I need to get back at work to get them back into their rankings and pump up their visits as (of course) this means and increase in pay from Squidoo as well as an increase in SALES which is where the real money is.
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