Squidoo Extends To Twitter? Yes You Can

Okay, I know I've been away from writing on my blog for quite a while now. I've been soaking up the Twitter experience. You can follow me at Hey_Bradshaw if you are a twittering fanatic like I've recently become. Just a warning: it is HIGHLY addictive. I've been on Twitter for a relatively short period and I have already passed the 1,000 tweets mark and I'm going to keep on tweeting like the twittering fool I am. Myself, I don't just talk about the wonders that are Squidoo. I tweet about whatever strikes my fancy. Others are always throwing out links to their great lenses. I've done that myself and even with my small following have had visitors to my lenses showing up as having come from Twitter. So quite obviously, Twitter can be yet another source for traffic to your work.

Although I don't have quite as large a following as Ashton Kutcher has (about 2 million), my following continues to grow. Today I have almost 750 hardy souls hanging on my every word. Well, maybe they're not blindly following me, but slowly my group of followers are increasing. There are lots of fellow Squidoo aficianados with much larger followings than myself and it is cool to have a quick link to these folks too. Link to them and you'll get plug into a great network of hardcharging Squids. Most of the top Squidoo folks are tweeting, Seth Godin is linking to his blog, Megan Casey chimes in from time to time, JaguarJulie, one of the best lensmasters, is there and (surprise, surprise) has a large following. There are lots of good people connected to Squidoo who are tweetering about their work. a_willow, MiMi, aka GrowWear, SusanVLewis, Susan52, thefluffanutta, and many more great Squidoo people. Too many to list in this short article. Link and learn.


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