Payday At Squidoo!
Hey, today's the day all you Squids have been waiting for! PAYDAY! From the ruckus on the forums it sounds like most folks are very happy with what they've earned with their lenses. On a personal level, I earned a tiny $0.08 which was actually a surprise for me because I didn't think I deserved anything. I joined Squidoo 14 August 2008, and started working on my first lens... and got no traffic, no visitors. Nothing except a colossal feeling that I had to do better. After 2 weeks I had a few more lenses and some visits from some of the great folks at Squidoo who encouraged me on to greater things.
I got cracking and soon had 20 lens! And some traffic (not much but it was starting to show up). This payout was for the entire month of August. Squidoo pays out a whole month after the end of each month. Therefore, September's payout should be paid out about this same time next month. The payout is usually based on what each lens ranked on average for the entire month. That first lens I created was in the top 2,000 for just about the entire month of September, so I can expect to earn at least $10 for it next month. $10 is the minimum payout figure that you have to earn before you actually receive your money (through PayPal).
The Squidoo payouts are based on your monthly lens ranking, with the top tier being those with an overall ranking of 1-about 2,000. Each of those lenses earned their lensmasters $10.87 per lens. The rest of the lenses are paid on a sliding scale. I've had one lens in the top tier all through September and October so I believe something similar will be provided next month. I've also got several other lenses hovering near the top 2K, so possibly I could see $20-plus. Several other lensmasters have mentioned their individual earnings with a couple mentioning earning "four figures" while others have had more modest earnings. I think that might be where I'd like to be positioned in about a year.
Most lensmasters advise that it can be as long as 6 months before you will see anything substantial as far as earnings and I am working hard to get where I want to be, but in the meantime, I am just enjoying creating lenses about topics I enjoy writing about, adding cool pictures and video and adding eBay and Amazon links and watching as my traffic seems to increase each day. Some lensmasters easily get 200-300 unique visitors each and every day to each of their lenses. Some get more, some much less. I'm on the low end, but some lenses are beginning to show some life traffic-wise and most seem to be moving up the rankings. Each month I expect to see more and more money being generated, but the best part is this doesn't feel like work. It's fun, the people are great, the forums are informative and you can get paid. What more could you ask for?!
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