I Finally, Grudgingly, Made A Harry Potter Webpage

I think I am probably the last person to have made a Squidoo page about J.K. Rowling's infamous series of books about the boy wizard Harry Potter. Don't get me wrong - I have actually read all the books in the series (except for the last one so don't tell me what happens) and I've watched all the movies. It just seemed that everyone and their mom had been cranking out Harry Potter this and that lenses on Squidoo and elsewhere that it seemed kinda pointless to join in. There are still 2 films to go in the series with one out this November as the first half of The Half-Blood Prince with the last Potter epic coming in 2012.

The reason I think that it is a good idea to do a webage about the Harry Potter books is that the series has legs and will likely continue to sell for decades to come. I don't know if I'll be around for that but maybe my webpage will be and I'll get a sale here or there lol.

I'm still avoiding the topic of the Twilight series, which I don't believe has as much meat on it's bones as the Potter books. I haven't bothered reading any of the Twilight books by Stephanie Meyer (yes, that's a link to the Twilight series) and I haven't bothered to watch any of the movies. They are reputedly just really bad, but I won't comment further as some 12-year-old Team Edward stalker may flame me.

The Potter webpage is a pretty bare bones affair but if you want to take a look, it's Harry Potter Books In Order. And I just noticed that the page is my 200th at Squidoo. How illustrious to make a page unlikely to be found by the most rabid Harry Potter fan or probably even Google. Still I can always add to it and make it that little bit more enticing.


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