100th Post On Squidoo Land!

I can't believe I am already writing my 100th post on Squidoo Land. It feels like yesterday that I started this blog about my attempts to succeed at Squidoo and here I am, a little more successful each month and still looking forward to getting on Squidoo and working on my various Squidoo lenses. If you're interested, here's my Squidoo lensmaster page where all my lenses are listed. I now have over 200 fans (thanks!) who approve of my work. I look forward to updating and creating new lenses. I have 140 published lenses now and I think I should be close to 200 by the time I hit my one year anniversary in August.

Looking Forward

I am going to try to join the Top 100 Club at Squidoo in the next round and also work at getting even more traffic to my various lenses. Some are getting lit up with visitors every day while some are languishing at the bottom of my Squidoo dashboard waiting for major updates. When I look at some of my early failures, I see potential for improvement in the various lenses I've allowed to sit without increasing the amount and quality of my content. The only way to get people to visit them is by working on them more often and continuously improve them. They will start increasing their lensrank and contribute some coinage to my Squidoo bottom line.

Money From Squidoo

I'm getting money from Squidoo just about every month and although it is not sackfulls of cash, it is a little bit of money each month that I wouldn't be receiving if I wasn't there. Getting and keeping lensrank is difficult but I'm getting better, and my lenses are getting better too. My goal is to eventually get about $1,000 a month from my various Squidoo endeavours and I'm slowing building to that point. I'm no where near 1K a month yet, but it is coming. Stay tuned and I'll tell you how I do it.


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