Wow! Squidoo Traffic Is Up!

I've been at Squidoo for about 6 months now and the traffic to my various lenses has been hot and cold (very cold for some lenses), but smokin' hot on others. I just hit a new high for traffic to my lenses again! I've read that it can take 6 or more months to really get your lenses established and that seems to be playing itself out as far as I can see.

How To Get More Traffic To Your Squidoo Lens?

Well, create a first-rate lens for starters. Get the word out that there's a great new lens for those who are interested in that topic. Keep letting people know about the lens. Tell'm at Facebook, HubPages, blog about your lens, tell your friends and family and buddies at Squidoo about your great lens. Talk about it til you are blue in the face.

Update your lens! Some lensmasters can create imaginative, creative lenses easily - (I'm sooo jealous!) while others, myself included create some good lenses, some well, not so good. Keep trying to improve your lens if you are the latter group like I am. Sometimes, taking a break from working on one lens and working on another one helps you when you return to that first lens. Look at the fine work of other lensmasters. Here's a link to My Favorite Lenses at Squidoo. There's a bunch of lenses listed that can help you make better looking lenses and help you if you need some assistance with HTML or images or content.

Where To Go From Here?

More of the same. Keep working at improving the lenses you have, make some new ones, update, change, test. Keep at it and you will start getting some traffic. It may be only a trickle, but that is people stopping by to see what you are up to and some might buy some something from one of your lenses, or leave a comment that will make you feel good about what you are doing. Keep working at making your lenses better and after you have been at it for awhile, you'll get the itch to create enough to become a Giant Squid, then you'll want to join the Top 100 Club at Squidoo. You will start seeing some lenses moving up in the lensranks and your traffic increasing. Then you will want to do even more. This Squidoo thing is so addicting (but in a fun way!)


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