I was just checking on how Squidoo Land was fairing on the search engines (I guess I wanted to see if anything I had written on this blog was actually being found by the notoriously fickle Google) and a stumbled across a website that says my little blog is worth $328.50! LOL! Anyone want to buy a blog cheap :)
The website allows you to check various statistics, such as ad revenue (inaccurately), as well as daily page views, the all-important PageRank, number of backlinks etc. The website, called Websiteoutlook, unfortunately doesn't work on Squidoo lenses (unless I'm doing it wrong), because when I input the URL of my Squidoo webpage it returns the information and numbers for Squidoo itself, which are to say the least, quite impressive, rather than my individual Squidoo page numbers. So it doesn't work on subdomains. You should try it on your own blogs and other websites to see what they say about your stuff.
Still, it is funny to think that Squidoo Land might actually carry some value on it's own. I've used this website to see if any of my other blogs and webpages have any value, but they don't show anything at all. They are not listed and all I get is the message "No data Available for this site" so any plans of becoming a blogging millionare have just blown up in my face. Not that I really care. This is just a blog for scribbling my thoughts and hopefully helping others in the same boat as myself.
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