New Zazzle Module Now Available On Squidoo

If you are already a Zazzle member, you now have an option that may help you to increase your sales. Squidoo just unveiled their new Zazzle module which allows people with Squidoo lenses to showcase items they have for sale on Zazzle. Even if you don't sell stuff on Zazzle, you can still use this cool new mod. The layout is pretty slick and you can choose from a list of 22 categories, or choose all and display a selection across all 22 categories.

This new mod gets the Squidoo Land thumbs up. I am going to prowl around Zazzle looking for cool items to list on my various lenses. There are already some members of Zazzle who have put together Squidoo lenses to highlight items they sell on Zazzle. Here's a couple:

Zazzle 101

Zazzle Blog

The first link is to an excellent lens outlining how to use Zazzle for those unfamiliar with the site. The second is a link to the Zazzle blog, where people selling on Zazzle write about their tips etc.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I have a few items there and feel a new lens coming on... :)

Bradshaw said...

Yeah, I'm considering branching out to them too. Maybe a good plan is to set up a series of lenses, one for each sales module and how to use it. Not just for volume, but relevant volume. 1 or 2 clicks on one lens is great. 1 or 2 clicks on 100 lenses is that much better.

Anonymous said...

Wow..!! Its really great that new Zazzle module now available on Squidoo.

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