Squidoo Land On Alexa

I was just reading PotpieGirl's blog and she mentioned how her blog ranked as far as Alexa goes. She is in the top 100K for websites, so kudos to her for doing well. It makes me want to emulate her success, so I thought I would take a look at how this blog rates. Alexa gives you information about how many page views you get and your overall ranking.

According to Alexa, my blog, Squidoo Land, my three month average ranking is 4,351,104, which is an increase from 6,021,254. The "reach" of my blog is getting better too. According to Alexa, the reach of Squidoo Land has increased 400 percent.

This blog about how to do better at Squidoo was started in late August 2008 and I didn't know what I was doing (some may say I still don't know what I'm doing!) I've started making a tiny trickle of money from this blog and obviously I hope to increase that into a river. Combined with what I make from my Squidoo lenses, I believe I can expect much better results in 2009. Sure, my blog is only ranked at 4.3 million. That's better than I was doing 6 months ago when I didn't have a blog at all and I am beginning to get visitors who seem to enjoy what I write. I just wish they would leave more comments! I really like having the chance to respond to comments on my blog and hey, it's another chance to get a link to your blog or Squidoo lens or Hubpage from a blog with a Google rank of 2. Every little bit of Google juice helps with your own lens ranking.

The rankings for this blog are admittedly not stellar, but I am seeing a continual increase in my visitors, page views, and this is after only about 4 months. Let's see how I am doing after 6 months or maybe after a year. I am doing better than I was monetarily, and I'm seeing increases in all important categories month over month. Three months ago my blog was ranked around 6.5 million with no readers, no pagerank, and no money. Now Squidoo Land is ranked at 4.3 million on Alexa, has regular visitors, a Google Pagerank of 2 (this will likely go up over time), and I am starting to see a small amount of money from my blog. Isn't that what were are doing this for? I can hardly wait for tomorrow, next month, next year!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your achievements with this blog. I do enjoy reading your posts. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! As you can see already, it all starts to snowball. Wonderful progress so far!

Keep up the great work AND the great attitude!


Bradshaw said...

Hey thanks Mimi and PotPieGirl! I do appreciate hearing that. Sometimes it seems like I write something and then I wait. I get some readers and no one replies. One of my New Year resolutions is to try to increase the frequency of my postings. I'm shooting for 31 posts in January (hopefully somewhat informative and not just fluff).

As I said in my post, I am seeing some advancement - more readers, better pagerank and a trickling stream of money. Onwards and upwards!

Bradshaw said...

Interesting news. I'm pretty much just scratching the surface with Alexa, but I'll check it out, thanks!

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