I think I'm going to try to catch my breath. I just cranked out 80 lenses in a 2 week period. All except 2 of them are up and running. Most of the new lenses are about hockey players (one of my favorite topics!). I lucked out because a lot of the past and present top players weren't taken. I couldn't get Wayne Gretzky or Mario Lemieux, but I scored with Sidney Crosby, Bobby Orr and Gordie Howe among others.
The amount of content I am now required to create has increased exponentially. Some of the new lenses are a little threadbare, but I think I can stay on top of them.
I found two lensmasters that have about one thousand lenses each. Wow! that is just crazy. I don't think I want to undertake anything quite so ambitious, but if I can make my lenses rise enough in the rankings, I could have a tidy sum coming in each month. Creating an income with Squidoo is not my primary goal, but every little bit helps. I'm looking forward to establishing my lenses as the go-to sites for info about various topics and individuals, but I know this will take time.
Some of my lenses are already starting to appear in Google and the other search engines and traffic is beginning to trickle in. This is with very limited marketing on my part and I know it will continue to increase. I'm looking forward to having some more fun with Squidoo. What should I write about next?!
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