In keeping with the spirit with an upcoming Valentine's Day, Squidoo has a new theme that you can use for your lenses that are based around the holiday. It's a nice looking banner across the top of the webpage and helps contribute to the feel you want for those webpages that have a Valentine's Day theme. And no, that's not my mug in the example. My face isn't very "valentine-friendly" I'm afraid.
The theme can be used with most Squidoo lenses, except those that are already themed, like SquidWho, Monkey Brains, SquidLit, etc. To change to this particular theme, you have to go to the edit screen of your lens. On the right hand side at the top under Workshop Tools, it says "Themes" with a choice of several different themes you can use along with a link that will pop up a preview of what each theme looks like. At the bottom of the list it says Valentine's. If you choose to use the Valentine's theme, click the little circle on the left of the word Valentine's.
Directly underneath, there's a check box that allows you to "Make It Global" ~ leave this blank! Only check it if you want ALL your webpages at Squidoo to have the same festive theme.
After you have made your choice of an appropriate theme, click apply. When you next hit "Publish", and "View Lens", you will have a heart-themed webpage.
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