Payday At Squidoo Just Around The Corner

How do I know that Squidoo is just about to send notification of payday? The amount in the "Pending" column of my dashboard just dropped, so that means Squidoo is preparing November's payout. All sales made on your various lenses at Squidoo over the month of November will be included with whatever ranking bonuses each webpage earned and that amount will be sent to you (as long as it all adds up to at least $10.00).

Maybe tomorrow, or the next day when you log into Squidoo and go to your dashboard you will notice the infamous Big Blue Box saying "It's Payday!" and how much will be sent via PayPal. Any sales that were made during the run-up to Christmas will still be sitting at the bottom of your pending columnand will be paid out next month. As always, Squidoo pays two months behind - this payout is for activity and rankings for November, and the activity and rankings for December will be paid this time next month. If what you have at the bottom of your pending column is a big fat $0.00 right now (hopefully not the case), the February payout will be just for December page rankings.

So if you are not satisfied with what you will be earning at Squidoo for December 2009, NOW is the time to begin working to improve your results for December 2010.  I know it does seem very far off, but Christmas can be an extremely lucrative time to have webpages up - just ask flowski, whose excellent lenses were at the top of the Squidoo rankings this year (see my post What Are The Top 10 Squidoo Christmas 2009 Lenses?) and he mentioned in the Squidu discussion forum that his top page had passed it's one millionth visitor! Can you imagine what his pending total must be for Christmas?

Christmas 2010 does seem a long way off, but you need to do two things now:

  • build Christmas webpages, and
  • get them ranked in Google and elsewhere

Don't try to slap together two or three lenses in November hoping to generate a ton of sales. Do the work now. That's what I've been doing. I have been putting together several different webpages that will A) rank well at Squidoo over the oncoming Christmas holiday season, and B) will generate even more sales at that time. I did okay sales-wise this past Christmas, but I think I can do so much better and so can you, with a little bit of preparation.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing how much money I made at Squidoo for November. I have a general idea of course, but it's getting the actual notice I like.


Bradshaw said...

Looks like I spoke too soon ~ moments after I posted this about payday coming at Squidoo, we got notification of payment. And it was sweet! A new record high in earnings for me! How did you do?

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