All I Want For Xmas is a Squidoo Christmas Lens!

A Squidoo lens with a Christmas theme is on the books and going to be published shortly. I love the up-coming holiday season and want to share that with everybody. Even though I don't think I'll be able to elbow my way into the top rankings with such a lens, I do want to have something on Squidoo and the web showing the best parts of the holiday. Maybe it will make it's way to the lofty heights of the top 100 by next Christmas!

I plan to continue adding and re-writing this lens even after the holidays so that it will be one of the best Xmas pages and maybe generate some good traffic from the search engines. I'll edit this post later by adding the URL so you can check it out.


Bradshaw said...

I've made at least one lens that highlights toys that people may like: Jellycat. It's about the cute stuffed animals. They're plush, soft and becoming extremely popular. If you have any small ones to buy for, take a look.

I need to create some really good Christmas lenses for next year. I was a little under prepared to have Christmas lenses this year, but I'll be ready for the Xmas rush next year.

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